3 Signs of a Weak Immune System

Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like there are countless think pieces and advice columns telling you what to do to be healthier, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes lifestyle changes aren’t enough to address more serious underlying conditions. For example, sometimes you might be exhibiting signs of a weaker immune system, which can’t always be fixed solely with changes to your diet or sleep habits. Here are three signs of a weak immune system that might mean a visit to the doctor might be an order.

If You Constantly Get Sick

One of the tell-tale signs of immune system problems is that you’re frequently feeling under the weather. For example, you might have a persistent cold or cold-like symptoms including congestion, a cough, or a runny nose. These are all signs that viruses may have entered your body and your immune response isn’t quite handling them as well as it’s supposed to. Normally, it’s common to have a cold a few times during the year; however, if you’ve had a cold more than three or four times, it might be a sign that you have immunity problems. Ear infections, pneumonia, or requiring more than one dosage of antibiotics could also be significant symptoms of issues with your immune response.

If You Feel Lethargic or Exhausted

When you’re not getting enough sleep, your immune health is likely to suffer. However, if you have been sleeping well and you’re still feeling exhausted, it could be a sign that your immune system is struggling. Generally speaking, this extra exhaustion is because your body is trying to save up energy in order to help boost your immunity. If you think that your lethargy might be more than just a few nights of bad sleep, try keeping a sleep diary in order to weed out immunity issues from more normal sleep problems.

If You Have Stomach Problems

Did you know that the majority of your immune system is in your gut? As such, if your gut health has been suffering, it might be because of larger immune problems. Some of the most common stomach problems that can be traced to a poor immune system are constipation or diarrhea, so if you face these issues frequently it might be a sign that you need to find ways to build up and create a more strong immune system.

If you feel like any of the above symptoms are explicitly linked to your weakened immune system, you likely want to do something about it. After all, thanks to the fact that the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world and many countries are anticipating a worse-than-normal flu season as a result, your immune system has never been more important. As a major line of defense against all types of sickness and disease, natural immune boosters are well-worth considering if you need to put a little bit more pep in your step.

Natural immune boosters use a variety of all-natural ingredients in order to help your immune system function better. Some of the most effective nutrients in many supplements aimed at immune function include ingredients like Vitamin C and Zinc, as well as a variety of antioxidants. Some immune-boosting supplements even use ingredients like mushrooms as a holistic way to promote a healthy immune system. While it’s likely that you eat a fair amount of citrus fruits, broccoli, or carrots, oftentimes, using a natural immune booster can take your immune function to the next level, by providing you with additional nutrients in a hyper-concentrated formula that helps your immune system go above and beyond.

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