5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for College

Everyone is intimidated when it comes time to prepare for college. The amount of pressure placed on students to get into the best school is immense. No matter how prepared you are, it’s inevitable that surprises and questions will occur along the way, but you can ease a lot of that stress if you prepare appropriately for the challenges ahead. College is the next step towards your future as a working adult, so don’t rush or let other people pressure you. If you’ve got questions, let’s go over five simple things you can do to prepare for college.

Choose a program that’s right for you.

If you haven’t submitted your application yet, make sure your grades and scores are on par with what the program requires. If you’re not quite there yet, consider investing in a preparation course. Places like Zinc NYC offer SAT and ACT tutoring that can help you get the scores you want. Zinc’s tutoring is available online and in-person, and their in-person boot camps can get you in gear, and you can learn more on their website zinc.nyc. Once you’re ready to start looking at colleges, it’s important that you focus on your unique needs. Don’t get distracted by big names or where your friends are going. What you want to get out of your education is personal, make a decision that you’re comfortable with.

Look at your degree as an investment.

One thing that’s important to consider is what you’re getting for the cost of tuition. Research the average salaries for the profession you’re hoping to pursue, and weigh your likely future earnings against the price of your chosen degree. Take advantage of websites like Value Colleges, which can help you answer any questions you may have about affordability. Programs that prepare you for an advanced degree in a well-paid field are often the best investments. One example is a practical specialty like nursing, which offers a healthy job market and competitive salaries. Whatever you choose, it’s important to enter this process with an understanding of the financial aspect of attending college.

Do your reading.

If you don’t read a lot, it’s time to start. There’s no way around it, college involves a lot of reading. If you’re already comfortable and can read at a decent pace, you’ll be more prepared for the workload you’re taking on. The amount of reading and research most universities demand can be a significant adjustment from what you’re used to in high school. Whether you’re reading novels and comic books for entertainment or if you’re more interested in studying history, the benefits that come with being well-read are impossible to ignore.

Practice your people skills.

Strong communication skills will benefit you in college no matter what your major is. People skills are underrated when preparing for college, but your ability to connect and interact with professors and fellow students will affect how much you enjoy your time in school. This won’t only come in handy in an academic context— getting along socially with a potential roommate or your classmates is essential. If you find yourself lacking in soft skills, many colleges offer courses that teach them. Consider taking a class on time management, social and emotional intelligence, or communication skills as these skills will benefit you in every aspect of your life, both during college and beyond.

Plan to apply for an internship or job.

Tuition for most schools is already expensive, and college comes with plenty of associated costs. Getting a job or internship that pays can be a huge help in easing the financial burden, as well as helping you gain experience and real-world skills. A part-time commitment will leave you with less time to study, but it shouldn’t be a problem if you manage your time and workload efficiently. Many internships are still unpaid or only offer a stipend instead of a wage. These opportunities can still be valuable, but be careful and make sure that what you’re signing up for is a truly educational experience if you won’t be paid a fair wage.

There’s no one-size-fits-all way to guarantee a perfect college experience, but you can help yourself by being prepared and making choices that serve your larger goals. Don’t just focus on the “best” school with a fancy name; think about what kind of financial commitment you’re making and how likely it is to pay off in the future. Make decisions based on what will best help you pursue your dream, and you’ll be on your way to a valuable and enjoyable experience that will prepare you for the real world.

Content Provided by Scholarship Media