Responsible Relationships

I feel like I never got a great sex education when I was younger. My family tends to avoid talking about this sort of stuff, and we never covered it a whole lot in school. Now I’m in college and I feel like I’ve run out of time to learn what I need to know about safe sex and stuff. Going to the internet for answers seems like a bad idea, since there’s so much messed-up stuff on there, and asking my peers here at school seems both embarrassing and ill-advised. Experts, where should I turn for answers about safe sex?

While everyone may hold their own personal values, opinions, and feelings towards sex, most experts agree that it’s an important factor in living a fulfilling life. However, it’s also true that sex has its own accompanying dangers, which means that you must always take precaution and be mindful before engaging in any form of sexual intercourse. Practicing safe sex is a must–no matter what your personal preferences, values, or habits are.From an evolutionary standpoint, sex exists to produce babies (of course). However, if having a baby isn’t in your near-term plans (and there’s a good chance it isn’t), you need to be especially careful. Unintended pregnancies account for 45% of all pregnancies in the U.S., and such pregnancies can lead to a whole host of new problems. You’ll now be faced with difficult decisions that you hadn’t prepared for, and the additional stress of worrying about how this may affect your future–especially as a student. The financial consequences of pregnancy are substantial, which only worsens the stress this may cause.

If you’re concerned about your health and sexual safety, then you must make sure you’re informed about sexually transmitted infections and diseases. A surprising number of Americans have STDs, and most often these can be prevented simply by practicing safe sex. In fact, one out of every two sexually active people will contract an STD by the age of 25. And while we might wish that such diseases did not carry an unfair stigma, that doesn’t mean you want to risk getting them!There are several ways to lower the risk of pregnancy, and most are accessible with a quick visit to your doctor or university health center. Of course, we all know about condoms, but birth control pills and IUDs are also an option. Yet keep in mind that condoms are the only method of lowering the risk of STDs–birth control and IUDs will only prevent pregnancy. You can also choose to engage in a variety of activities other than traditional sex. “There’s nothing bland about choosing a non-penetrative sexual activity, and there are lots of ways to spice things up,” says expert on adult toys Kayla Lords from Jack and Jill Adult Superstore.

Whatever method that you choose, keep in mind that you are responsible for your own decisions and your own wellbeing. No matter how trusted or intimate your relationship may be with your partner, you should never allow them to talk you out of taking whatever measures you want to take to protect yourself. You have the right to make your own personal (and sexual) decisions, and there is nobody who should be able to influence you otherwise.

These are just the basics of sexual health and wellness, of course, and you may have many more questions. Thankfully, there are plenty of other reputable sources that you can turn to in order to conduct some more research. While it’s understandable that you may be unsure about trusting online sources, you can, in fact, use the internet. Just be sure to rely on responsible sources like government websites, trusted news sites, and health organization web pages. Recent medical books are a good source, too. And, of course, you could take advantage of your university’s resources.

“Safe sex is an act of self love.”  –Miya Yamanouchi