Ask The Experts

  • Healthy Diet, Healthy Life May 14

    I’m fat, and I’m sick of the way it makes me feel. I feel tired and worn-out, almost like I’m sick. I can’t run far or do a lot of physical activity. I hate the way I look. Enough is enough, so I’ve decided that I’m going to change the way I eat and get…

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  • High Performance Gifts for Gamers

    Video game enthusiasts—known as gamers—are recreational video game players who spend hours at a time gaming. Recreational gamers include people who play games on their smartphones, tablets, gaming computers, and gaming consoles. Gamers can also be professional gamers who play video games for profit. Some stream their gameplay for subscribers, while others compete in eSports tournaments. So…

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  • Home Work

    My new job offers the option of working from home or office. Which should I choose? This is a very timely question given the exponential growth of telecommuting. As technology has evolved, some people rarely go into the main office anymore. While it may seem like a no-brainer to choose working from home, there are some…

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  • How CBD May Be Able to Help Anxiety

    For anyone dealing with an anxiety disorder such as GAD, panic disorder, phobias, or social anxiety disorder, trying new treatments is a sort of second nature. From therapy and prescription medication to various home remedies, it’s only natural for anxiety sufferers to seek relief, no matter how many different tools it takes.  In recent years,…

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  • How Engines Work

    I’ve never been a real hands-on type of guy, but I wish I were more handy with fixing stuff. I’m most interested in cars, actually: I would love to be one of those guys who can tune cars and diagnose problems! Unfortunately, I don’t even know where to start. I have no idea how engines…

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  • How Much Are Motorcycle Batteries? A Buyer’s Guide

    Motorcycles are incredibly popular in the U.S. Out of every 36 people you meet, one has a bike of their own. Given the landscape of America, it’s easy to understand why. With over 3.7 million square miles to explore in this expansive country—from the coasts of California to the Everglades in Florida—the lure of hopping on a…

    Read More: How Much Are Motorcycle Batteries? A Buyer’s Guide

  • How Much Is Too Much?

    I have a friend that I’m pretty worried about. We met when we were freshmen, and neither of us had ever really drank or done drugs before. We started partying that year, and we both had a lot of fun. Now that we’re sophomores, though, I’ve noticed that my friend is drinking more than ever…

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  • How Often Should a Student Be Tutored?

    Parents always want what’s best for their children. You do everything you can to make sure you’re setting your child up for a great life. Hiring a tutor is a great way to ensure your kids are ready for an upcoming test, college admissions exam, or entrance tests for specialty programs. If you’re considering hiring…

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  • How Spaces Make Us Spend

    I have a question for the experts about architecture and businesses. I’ve been thinking lately about how big box stores are all laid out the same way, and how certain types of businesses have distinctive buildings with specific architectural features. What can the experts tell me about how commercial spaces draw us in and make…

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  • How to Care for Your Smartphone Without Going Broke

    Experts, I recently bought a new smartphone. I love it! But I’m also kind of freaking out. This smartphone is the most expensive thing that I own, and I worry that I’ll break it or mess it up somehow and end up having to pay a whole lot of money to fix it or get…

    Read More: How to Care for Your Smartphone Without Going Broke

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …