Ask The Experts

  • The Law and the Land

    I was at a party the other day and started to talk to some new people. Good, right? Well, the conversation veered into politics and the environment, which is not so good. I’m not sure if I made friends that night–we’ll have to wait and see about that–but at the very least, I had a…

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  • The Medical End of End of Life 

    I am a pre-med student in my second year. I want to become a doctor, maybe specialize as an internist. However, I have a question that I’m really nervous about and I don’t know how to bring it up to my professors. I do not know how doctors are involved in end-of-life care. The fact…

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  • The Perfect Gift for That New Special Someone August 27

    At the end of last year, I started dating a guy who lived in my dorm. We kept talking through the summer, and we even traveled to see each other. Now the school year is starting up again, and he just told me that he wanted to keep dating. I’m really happy. I like him…

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  • The Power of Logos

    I found myself buying a shirt with a logo on it the other day, and I realized I was paying more to have the little emblem on my chest when I wear the shirt. I actually pay more to show off this shirt company’s brand, and I’m happy to do it! That got me thinking:…

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  • The Power of Water

    My childhood home is in rough shape. While I’ve been away at college, my parents have been dealing with flooding problems in the basement. It’s not a burst pipe or anything; the water comes in from outside, somehow. It apparently ruined a bunch of our stuff, and could even cause structural issues in our house,…

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  • The Rat Race

    We all have to make a living after graduation. I want to do something interesting. Is that a tradeoff I have to make? This question has been asked by every generation going out into the world. Your frame of reference is heavily influenced by your parents’ jobs and income. Do jobs we consider mundane pay…

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  • The Science of Sales

    I’m a bad shopper. I put off going shopping and getting stuff I need. I show up without a shopping list. Then I wander around, and before I know it, I’ve spent a ton of time in Target or Walmart–and have a cart full of stuff! It’s not like I even really like shopping–in fact,…

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  • The State of Prototyping!

    I could use some guidance. I’m a freshman in college studying civil engineering. Two classes this semester are way more difficult than I expected them to be. I probably shouldn’t have registered for both this semester, but there’s no going back now since add/drop period is over. One class is focused strictly on emerging trends…

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  • Thinking Machines

    What’s up with artificial intelligence? I’ve been looking at new TVs, and I was surprised to see some of them advertised with “virtual assistants” on board. Since when does my TV need a brain? I find it a bit creepy, to be honest–like something out of a science fiction movie. And I don’t understand why…

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  • Thinking on Your Feet

    I’ve been hearing a lot about microlearning, what is the difference between this and regular training? Touted as the fastest-growing, modern learning platform for professionals, microlearning is changing the way we study and absorb information. Research suggests that the average employee can only allocate as little as one percent of their working week to personal…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …