Ask The Experts

  • When Pets Pass

    I just got a really upsetting call from my family. My dog was hit by a car. I really don’t know what to do. The dog was really, really important to me–we got her when I was in middle school and I wasn’t really fitting in, and she helped me feel so much better when…

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  • When to Call a Lawyer

    My dad was recently bit by a dog while on a walk in my neighborhood back home. At first he thought he was alright, but the bite actually turned out to be pretty bad. He spoke with the neighbor who owned the dog, and the owner was very apologetic. They agreed not to report the…

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  • Who Qualifies for Military Aid?

    If you are considering going back to school or getting an online MBA degree, you are more than likely taking a close look at your finances to determine whether it is a feasible option for you. College is a huge financial commitment and that can often deter people from enrolling in a degree program. If…

    Read More: Who Qualifies for Military Aid?

  • Why a Liberal Arts Degree Is Better for Your Career

    Some people love to hate on the liberal arts degree. They might claim these degrees are useless and don’t lead to good jobs after college. That’s simply not true. Case in point: Oprah Winfrey studied communications at Tennessee State University. But besides Oprah, here are four reasons why a liberal arts degree is better for…

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  • Why Software Companies Encourage Students to Download Free Licenses

    If you’re a college student, there are a lot of educational discounts and deals that you can take advantage of while you’re enrolled in school. For example, interlibrary loans between major academic institutions offer you the opportunity to check out and read or view pretty much any published content that you can’t find online. You…

    Read More: Why Software Companies Encourage Students to Download Free Licenses

  • Young People and Vaping

    What’s with “vaping?” Is it just me, or has it become way more popular with my generation as we’ve been growing up? I know people younger than me who vape, and a few who are a few years older, but it seems to me that nobody my parents’ age is vaping. Is it a generational…

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  • Your Mental Health Matters

    Experts, how do I know when I should seek therapy? I know that’s a very broad question, but lately I’ve been wondering if I should get professional help. I don’t think I need professional help, exactly, but I think maybe it would be beneficial. I’m able to live my life, but I worry a lot:…

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  • Your Past Matters June 13

    I know that we’re living in the age of information, but sometimes it weirds me out just how much our reputations can follow us these days. It seems like everything we post online and everything we do in our private lives can be discovered somehow, and that our future employers and others will find out.…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …