Ask The Experts

  • Capturing the Moment June 13

    One of my favorite things in my dorm room is my photo wall. I’ve had a photo wall since middle school, actually, so this is a long-running tradition for me. I print out photos of my friends and family (and “borrow” them from my parents’ photo albums, too) and I put them on my wall…

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  • Career Comeuppance

    The Internet has made entire industries disappear, while creating new ones. How do I make a career choice that is not likely to disappear? Your question is a relatively new one, because graduates from past decades did not imagine their jobs, or even their skills and training, when become obsolete in the new digital economy.…

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  • Casinos, Cannabis, and Careers

    I’m graduating this year, and I have a job offer–that’s the good news. The thing is, though, that the job offer came from my cousin, who is kind of the black sheep of the family. He’s working the legal marijuana industry out in Oregon, and he says I can come work for him right away.…

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  • Catch Me If You Can

    I am on social media all day. Should I worry my posts may be seen by a potential employer? Students often wonder if a foolish, offensive or accidental post on social media could be considered for a job interview or future promotion. The short answer is yes, it can. Over 40% of college students check…

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  • Celebrating Friendship

    When I was in high school, I filled my room with photos of my friends. I had a digital camera when I was a kid and later on I just used my phone. I’d print out the photos on regular printer paper and hang them up, and pretty soon I had a great collage going.…

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  • Charity Drive

    I was a volunteer at home and now college, mostly with remedial reading. How can I get other students involved? I want to acknowledge your effort, helping local kids learn to read. You also appreciate that one of the roles of a volunteer is encouraging others to join. Community activism has slowly dwindled to one…

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  • Choosing a Jeweler: A Beginner’s Guide

    Unlike shopping for clothing, buying new jewelry often requires a bit more planning and consideration. After all, if you’re going to a high-end jeweler, you’re probably looking to make a sizable investment. Whether you’re purchasing fine jewelry like a wedding band or are considering a gift for a significant other, it’s a good idea to…

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  • Coding and Careers

    I’m not majoring in computer science–or any technology-related subject, actually. I’m an English major. But I hear it can be tough to get a job as an English major, so I’m considering learning how to code in my spare time. I’m not sure yet, though, if I want to invest the time in learning how…

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  • College Connections

    I will be job hunting next semester. When should I start contacting companies that do not send recruiters here? Your insight into the job market should be shared with all our readers. The question should encompass your entire job search. You should be trying to network with all potential employers now. Research shows that over…

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  • College Culpability

    I am writing for myself and my daughter. I need to talk to her about responsibility. What are the legal issues with children at college? I’m still waiting for this talk from my parents. They just hoped for the best. Whether a conscious decision or not, parents are legal partners with their children. When there…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …