Ask The Experts

  • Data’s Dangers

    I have a lot of friends here who are studying engineering and computer stuff. That’s not me, but they way they talk about data and apps has started to make me think that I need to know more about how tech companies use my data. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how some companies…

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  • Debating New Versus Used Car

    I could use some guidance. I’m a college senior who’s graduating at the end of May, with a degree in sociology. I already have a job lined up in Sacramento, which means I’m planning to move there and start my life as a full-fledged adult. I was lucky enough not to need a car during…

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  • Debt Debate

    I hate to admit I’m graduating with both student loan and credit card debt. How can I manage these debts? Graduating college students are all asking this question. Your credit and financial independence hang in the balance when you graduate with both credit card and student loan debt. We have specific advice on managing these…

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  • Debt Dodgeball

    I will be graduating with a lot of student debt. Dare I ask if I can shed my student loans by declaring bankruptcy in New York? Your question resonates with all students, so we want to tell you what the law allows. If anyone tells you student loans can never be charged off, they are…

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  • Define and Discuss Modular Mezzanine

    I could use some help figuring out how to best present something for my urban planning class. The backstory is that I’m an undergrad studying architecture and design. I’m taking my first urban planning course this semester, and it’s extremely difficult. This particular class focuses on municipal zoning regulation, which is a surprisingly complicated topic–and…

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  • Define And Discuss Niche Healthcare Topic

    I need some help with a difficult assignment for one of my classes about public health in the public space. We just concluded a segment on alcohol abuse since the American prohibition and now we’re beginning a new segment on tobacco. Last Friday, I was given a research assignment to present to the class this…

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  • Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

    Depression is a serious mental health issue that can occur at any point in life. However, adolescents and adults may experience depression differently. Teenagers often experience social hierarchies and expectations, academic pressure, bullying, and puberty which can affect how they perceive themselves and warp their mental health.  These issues can certainly bring about feelings of sadness,…

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  • Design and Decoration on a Budget

    I live in an off-campus apartment with a few friends. We all care quite a bit about what our apartment looks and feels like, and we’re all pretty unhappy with it right now. The unfortunate truth is that none of us really has much money right now (we’re just college kids, after all), so things…

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  • Different Types of Drinking

    I have a friend who graduated recently whom I’m worried about. When he was still here on campus, he drank a lot. He’s left our campus behind, but I don’t think he’s ditched any of his drinking habits. The thing is, he thinks he has. He says it’s different now, because he’s not binge-drinking cheap…

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  • Dorm Room Delight

    Four years in the same campus dorm looks bleak. Are there any ways to improve my room without spending a fortune? Your question is relevant for all students, especially if they’ll be living in a dorm for the whole 4 years. Tuition and living expenses at college are going up every year. It encroaches on…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …