Ask The Experts

  • Investing Intelligently

    I know that I should be investing. I know all the basic reasons to do so, and that inflation makes my money worth less each year, and that I should try to put my money in an investment that grows faster than inflation. I know I should have a diverse portfolio. I know all that…

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  • Is Silence All That Golden

    I was recently at home in NJ visiting my family for the holidays when my grandma mentioned intermittent hearing loss. She’d never mentioned anything before, and she’s been in seemingly great health for many years. More importantly, she’s only in her early sixties with no significant medical complications in the past. And as far as…

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  • Job Jitters

    Speaking to recent graduates, they all have advice about life after college. What are the major issues facing students in their first job? You probably asked the same question about the shift from high school to college. Graduating from college and entering your first job is both exciting and stressful. Gone are your concerns over…

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  • Jobs for People Who Love Working With Their Hands

    I’m a recent college freshman who can’t stand sitting at a desk. The thought of sitting in a cubicle every day for forty hours a week is horrifying to me. I’m currently undecided in my major and I’m wondering what sorts of careers are a good fit for me if I love to work with…

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  • Keeping Fantasy Fun

    My friends love fantasy football. So do I, but there’s a problem: I’m really bad at it, and it’s causing problems in my league. The league is full of great guys: my friends here at school, plus various friends of theirs from their hometowns. They all take it really seriously–more seriously than I do, to…

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  • Landlording For Dummies

    Hey, experts–I could use some extra insight. I recently graduated from college and landed a job as a property manager. I’m supposed to move to Washington, DC, early next month to get started. I’m excited and nervous about starting my first job. I already have some transferable skills from being both a resident assistant and…

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  • Language Barrier

    Languages are like assets or investments; it’s important to know which one to choose. While most of the developed world uses English as the primary language for business, it’s always useful to have a second language. Knowing more than one language could further your career and provide opportunities that might not be available to those…

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  • Laptop Larceny

    I’m savvy about online security, but I almost fell for a new scam. What are the latest online threats I need to know? Your question concerns every online user. We wanted to answer you, even though others have written about this. The problem is always changing, since scamsters are constantly trying to infiltrate your computer…

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  • Lawsuits and Loved Ones

    My sister doesn’t get along with the rest of the family lately. She has had a rough few years, with some issues with substance abuse and some problems financially. My parents have been raising my sister’s kids while a lot of this has been going on. Now my sister is trying to rebuild her life,…

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  • Lend A Hand

    College is much more stressful than high school. There are my goals, my parents expectations, exams and tuition. I read some colleges really help students cope with stress. What do they offer? When I read your letter, I noticed you didn’t mention your year in college. This question could be asked by a freshman up…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …