Ask The Experts

  • Library Lethargy

    With everything on the internet, do college students still use the library? A big part of your studies will involve research; both online resources and a library should be used. Traditional libraries have certainly changed a lot since the internet took over the world, but they still play a vital role in the world of…

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  • Life, Death, and Memories

    Our family dog, Aurora, passed away recently while I was far away from my childhood home. We loved her dearly and her memory is forever a blessing. She was nearly fourteen years old, which is well above average for an Alaskan Malamute, and what a great life she had. The only problem is that my…

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  • Liftoff for a Lifestyle Business

    I’ve still got a few years before I graduate from college, but I’m already thinking about ways to make a living. Don’t get me wrong, I love college, but the idea of making my way in the world really excites me, especially when I think about starting a business and trying to make my mark…

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  • Living Large

    I’ll be living off campus in college. Someone suggested buying an off-campus house and subletting the extra rooms. Should I persuade my parents to buy or rent? With this question, you should be studying finance in college. To determine whether it pays to buy or rent, you would have to be psychic regarding the trend…

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  • Loan Lawsuit

    Can college sue you for defaulting on your student loan? There will be quite a few who have already graduated, but are thinking the same thing. The level of student debt the nation now faces is a crippling $1.4 trillion, with 40% of borrowers in default for over 90 days. With a looming financial crisis, some…

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  • Loan Leeway

    I will graduate with loan debt that will take a long time to repay. Is it true that some companies pay off your student loans? With around 70% of students graduating with tens-of-thousands of dollars in debt, your question has everyone’s attention. Yes, it’s true that some companies have been contributing to the repayment of…

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  • Make Your Grandmother Feel Extra Special

    There’s an old Italian proverb that reads: “If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.” She deserves your honor, especially and uniquely, whether she’s a seasoned granny with many caring and loving years or a first-time grandma. Our busy lives normally get in the way of showing special people how much we love them in…

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  • Making Ends Meet

    I’m not a wealthy person, and given my college major and career plans, I don’t think I’m going to be super wealthy in the future. That’s okay with me, and I plan to live pretty frugally and carefully to ensure that I can be comfortable and as financially secure as possible for as long as…

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  • Making Money While Abroad November 14

    You go to college to follow your dreams, right? Well, that’s exactly what I did: I am getting a degree in creative writing, and next year I have a job lined up as an au pair in Paris. It’s literally my dream. I love children, and when I’m not caring for the boy, I will…

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  • Manufactured Mistake

    I’m studying very hard in college. Some in my family think it’s a waste of time. Why do they think I’m not learning anything? Your question reflects a difference in life experience, not just viewpoints. Studying at college doesn’t always give you skills to enter the workplace, which your family have already earned. This is…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …