Ask The Experts

  • Party Prestige

    I’m part of the leadership of an on-campus club that, once a year, throws a big party. I’m a little concerned, though, because these parties don’t tend to be the classiest affairs. While I don’t have a problem with what club members do on their own time, I’m a little worried about breaking rules and…

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  • Pets For Patients

    I could use some help with a sociology assignment. Earlier this week, our professor discussed how domesticated animals have changed how cultures and societies develop all over the world. He cited the ancient Egyptians who worshipped cats, settlers who relied on oxen and horses, etc. The assignment for this coming week was to explore how…

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  • Pills and Protections

    I have a friend here who is very into nature and natural solutions. That’s good, in some ways! I like that she’s environmentally conscious and she eats a lot of salads, which seems very healthy to me. But the other day, I was in here room and saw a lot of bottles (like a dozen…

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  • Planning a Successful Survey

    I could use some guidance. I recently graduated from college and started a new job at a local non-profit. The organization is committed to economic development in low-income communities. I was a volunteer with the organization throughout college, so it made perfect sense to continue working there after graduation. This past week, however, I was…

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  • Pre-Law Practicing July 9th

    I’m a pre-law student in Southern California. I am pretty sure I want to go to law school, but I know how competitive it is. It goes way beyond the LSAT, right? So I’m looking for ways to stand out. I’m also looking for ways to gain experience before going to law school, so that…

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  • Privacy Pretense

    I was a walk-in patient at the student health clinic. My reason for writing is I don’t want anyone to know why I was there. Can my parents read my medical file? Laws regarding data privacy can be a minefield, so this question raises concerns about confidentiality with medical records, especially those held by school…

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  • Rate of Return

    Money is a factor in my brother considering a two-year community college. What is the value of a two-year degree? Over one third of all high schoolers furthering their education choose a community college, so your brother’s decision is echoed in millions of homes. While many believe that a two-year degree holds less earning potential…

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  • Ready for Rehab

    I grew up in a pretty small town in Florida and shared just about every moment there with my best friend. We were inseparable, right up to the moment when he headed to school in-state and I headed far away. But we’d still get together whenever we were both back in town, like during school…

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  • Real Estate and Rentals 

    I’m curious about real estate and renting. I’m not so much wondering about the renter’s side of the bargain–as a college student, I’m already living that part. I’m more curious about the idea of owning a property and renting it out in order to make money. It seems to me that in areas like ours,…

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  • Real World Romance

    My parents met in college. So did their parents (both sets!). As for me…well, I don’t want to be pessimistic, but I’m graduating this year and it doesn’t look like my soul mate is going to show up by then. I’m alright with that, but I have to admit that I’m pretty nervous about what…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …