Ask The Experts

  • Responsible Relationships

    I feel like I never got a great sex education when I was younger. My family tends to avoid talking about this sort of stuff, and we never covered it a whole lot in school. Now I’m in college and I feel like I’ve run out of time to learn what I need to know…

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  • Rewarding Jobs That Help Others in Different Ways

    It’s anyone’s dream to have a job that does some good in the world, but there are only so many charitable organizations and positive NGO’s to go around. What if there were other jobs out there that are as rewarding for you as they are for those around you? Here are some fresh ideas for…

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  • Richer Regions

    I have friends here from all over the country, and that’s been really eye-opening to me. One thing that’s been bothering me more and more is how some areas of our country seem to be doing so much better economically than others. It seems like being born in the “right” city, state, or region can…

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  • Rings and Reasons

    I’m struggling with a very serious dilemma and need some out-of-the-box thinking. My older brother is turning thirty in a few months and I want to get him something special. There are two primary challenges. Problem #1: he has a very well paying job and therefore practically owns everything he already wants. Problem #2: the…

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  • Robocar

    Am I the only one worried about driverless cars?  Laws and regulations are usually slow to follow revolutionary technology. Questions about safety and liability have already arisen following the first fatality caused by a driverless car last year. Should the car manufacturers be held accountable, or the software developers? On this new battlefield of man versus machine,…

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  • Roll of the Dice

    Several of my friends play poker online. I know they’ve all lost money. Is this legal? I bet this question is of interest to lots of college students, with over 20% reported visiting online gambling sites monthly. With the proliferation of online gambling in the U.S., the incidence among college students participating in the activity…

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  • Rough Road to Recovery

    I was at home for the holidays when I had a pretty big confrontation with my older brother, whose college binge drinking has progressively worsened. I’m a sophomore this year and he’s a graduating senior, although we attend different universities (his on the west coast). We’ve been reasonably close throughout our childhood, but things began…

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  • Safe Finder: 3 Ways to Remove It

    afe Finder is a browser hijacker. This is a type of unwanted program that changes a web browser’s settings without the user’s permission or sometimes even their knowledge. A browser hijacker may change your home page, switch your default search engine with another, redirect your search queries, install unwanted add-ons, or even bombard your computer…

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  • Salvaging Safe Spaces

    How can you know if a property is safe to be on? I ask because my friend, who graduated a couple of years ago, recently bought an old office building. He’s trying to fix it up and rent it out–the first step toward what he’s convinced will be a commercial real estate empire. But I…

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  • Searching for Something Special

    I got in a silly argument recently that I’m hoping the experts can help me resolve. My little sister and I were shopping online for a birthday gift for my mother when I did a Google search and clicked a link. My sister insisted that I was ridiculous for clicking one of the first links…

    Read More: Searching for Something Special

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …