Ask The Experts

  • SEO for Beginners: Here’s Why You Need a Plan

    If your business isn’t relying on the benefits of a great SEO company, then this should be your next big move for the second quarter of 2020. Countless businesses, big and small, have managed to use SEO services to their advantage. But what is SEO and why do you need an SEO plan in the…

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  • Shop Around

    I shop online several times each week. Why do I wind up spending more money online than I planned? Two thirds of Millennials prefer digital shopping over physical stores, which is no surprise since they grew up with the Internet. Many actually shop online while inside a physical store. Cost and convenience are the obvious…

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  • Should You Buy or Rent?

    It’s a question that’s existed for as long as there have been homes to buy and rent: What should you do, buy or rent? The debate rages on all around the world, and it’s easy to see why. Both buying and renting have their own distinct advantages and disadvantages, and there is simply no one right…

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  • Side Hustles August 3

    I live in a typical college town, and the rent is driving me nuts. It goes up every year. I don’t really have the wherewithal to start working on the side as a fry cook or dishwasher. I really want the experience of working, though. I also need those few hundred extra bucks a month,…

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  • Sleeping Soundly

    I’m enjoying most things about being in college, but there’s one thing that’s been really rough: I’m not getting good sleep anymore! When I was in high school, I could head home after baseball practice and fall asleep almost immediately. Now, I get back after classes or after a party and stare at the ceiling…

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  • Software and Slot Machines

    Some of my friends here at school enjoy gambling. I’ve never been all that into gambling, so I’m not super familiar with the games or the culture, or anything. I was kind of surprised to learn that my friends do the vast majority of their gambling online. I suppose it’s more convenient that way, but…

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  • Soggy Software

    Back home at my parent’s house, we had a major plumbing problem. Our basement flooded, which would have been bad enough on its own, but was made worse (for me, at least) by the fact that the basement was where I had been keeping all of my computer equipment! Don’t get me wrong, I’m no…

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  • Some Worse Than Others

    My roommate and I like to talk about the current events brought up in our public health class. Our professor always relates what we’re studying to some major news story or two. Some of the examples are pretty obvious but others are shocking. Before this semester, I hadn’t realized how far the medical profession had…

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  • Sophomore Servitude

    I’m not a full-time student so have time to look for a part-time job. What are the best, flexible jobs for students? The majority of students need to work to supplement their living expenses at college, so your question is relevant for almost everyone. With tuition fees and the cost-of-living rising, a part-time job has…

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  • Spending on Sports

    I was in a dorm room debate recently that got a little out of hand, and I wanted to re-think my position a bit and get some insight from the experts. I’m not a sports fan at all. I don’t understand why colleges have sports, and what I really, really don’t understand is why we’re paying…

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15 Words and Phrases Every College Student Should Know
Educators and students in degree programs alike understand that the …
3 Personal Finance Facts You’ll Be Glad You Learned
Personal finance can be intimidating to many people. The reality …
3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Health can be tricky to get right. It seems like …